MyCapricorne Frequently asked questions
It is possible to add your MyCapricorne FFP number after booking your flight :
On the webpage you can modify or add any personal informations such as your MyCapricorne number, phone number or email address.
Your last flight is missing from your account ? You can credit any flights that may be missing and that you have taken during the previous six months, simply as follows.
To succeed your flight plans update, you need to get the following fligh informations (see. FAQ section "How to read my electronic flight ticket" to find required flight informations) :
- date of flight (example 15/08/2023)
- flight number with 3 or 4 digits without the company code UU (example : UU974 = 974)
- ticket number with 10 digits (example : 7601234567890 = 1234567890)
As a member of our MyCapricorne loyalty program, just a few clicks on our website are necessary to exchange your accumulated points credited to your account with a Prime ticket.
OR with the dedicated pdf form :
This form must be returned complete and signed to the following email address :
- If you are an Essentiel member :
- If you are an Abonné member :
- If you are a Premium or Exclusive member :